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Get Map Service API Reference

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Map Service API

The Map Service API allows you to retrieve WMS and WFS generated by the platform. You can use some libraries like Leaflet or MapLibre GL for JavaScript, Android or iOS to add a map to your website.

Endpoint to use

If you need WFS URL, you should use this endpoint. We are supporting both WMS and WFS.
  • map service type: you can set the map service to WFS or WMS.
  • authentication token: create your access token on the platform.
  • language: you can choose Arabic language or English language by setting this value to en for English or ar for Arabic.

Step 1

To import your WFS in ArcGIS Pro, go in the Catalog Pane, right click in there and select New then select from the sub menu New server, then select New WFS server

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Step 2

A new window opens with settings to configure:

  • Server URL: Path to the WMTS file or HTTP link to import. We will use a HTTP link from tabaqat here. Other settings are left empty in our case. Your new connection will be added in Projects tab in the Catalog in Servers.

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Step 3

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Open your tabaqat connection dropdown from Servers and find your new connection. You can open the tabaqat dropdown further to find the data categories.

Step 4

Drag and drop your layer in the map window and voilĂ  you have your vector layer.

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Premium Step

You can do any selection, analysis, custom styling. alt text